Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Moments with Hayden

Hayden, my 2-year old little brother was cracking Erin and I up tonight. There is never a dull moment with Hayden.. When we were eating dinner he took a bite of his burrito and seemed bummed about something so Erin asked him "Whats the matter Hayden?" and he replied cutely "i dont know" And then in the bedroom when I was tickling him he stopped and said, "Oh, i just throwed up." Haha that was so funny! Then a second ago, Hayden told Erin "Hi, I have something for you," hiding his hands behind his back, then Erin asked what he had and he said "i dont know." And took his empty hands from behind his back. One other thing he did was, he got on the counter turned on the sink water and said "What the heck?" I was like oh my goodness.. Oh he is so cute! I love him to death.

Then when Erin and I were in the bedroom playing Cars with Hayden, he wanted to get out his blocks. We have this big bag full of blocks and he had his Mater car on the floor and told me to dump the blocks on Mater so I did. Then he scrambled all the blocks around, and said "Where's Mater?" I showed him where it was, and then we built a little tower. There was a little opening at the bottom of the tower so Hayden decided to put Mater in the opening and make it like his garage. Oh, he does the funniest things! I don't know what I would do without little Hayden!

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